Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April fools party member room sneak peek!!!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Click this link to see a picture of GTJW's sneak peek member room only for the April fools day party. This is a Major spoiler. Only click here if you want to see the member surprise.

Click here for spoiler

April Fools Day Party

Hello, this is Jimbolinie comming at you with a new AF'S D party hint. We have some new info on the April Fools Day party. The dojo is going to be black and white like a sketch and you could walk on the walls, there is going to be a lot of boxes everywhere, instead of snowballs, you could throw paint balloons, most of the buildings are made of cardboard, and there is going to be a free item (Blue Propeller Hat) at the mine. Srry, but we don't have a picture for you today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

New April Fools clue

This is the newest clue they are giving us for the April Fools Day party.

New Card Jitsu Cards Coming Soon

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Club penguin has announced that there will be new card jitsu cards coming out some time in April. You can buy the cards at TOYS"R"US. There will be a code on the back. You can enter the code online to make your online card jitsu deck better.

New Catalogs

Hello its Ghostflyer here. On Wt333's last post he was talking about catalogs in front of every game. The items in these catalogs help you do better in the game. On the picture above there is a piece of paper on the surf bord. That is the catalog. There is a piece of paper like that in front of almost all the games.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Pin

The new pin is a top hat. It is located in the ski lodge on top of the couch

Friday, March 27, 2009


this is the wt333 and there is new catalog for the sport shop with base ball stuff and more.

there is also a catalogs for every game in the club penguin map except for aqua grabber and the mine but there is for the dock game, surfing, fishing, and many more.


to catch the big red fish in the fishing game you need to have a fish on the line at the very end you put it near the red fish and you catch him.

This is a pic of the back stage for all you non members! this is wt333

New Snow Sculptures

Hello its the Ghostflyer. Today Club penguin has put new snow sculptures out.

New Ninja Stuff

Hello its the Ghostflyer. The Penguin Play Awards Is not the only cool news today.Today there is two new things in the ninja catalog which you can only get if you are a ninja. Here are some pictures.

Penguin Play Awards

Hello fans it is the Ghostflyer. Today i woke up really early so then i can go to the penguin play awards. Its pretty cool and today it was packed with non-members!!! Here are some of the pictures i took.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


the writing in cp are now in a different font or size it looks so much cooler! this is wt333!

member ranks

if your a member have you looked at your player card yet because if you have been a member for a long time you may have a higher rank than everyone else if you are a member not for long the ranks is low. to give everyone a heads up this is wt333 and im a level 4!

New Chat Bubbles

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Today Club Penguin has made the chat bubbles bigger.So you can see the writing easier. Check it out!

Non Members Can Now Walk The Red Carpet

Hello its the Ghostflyer, GUESS WHAT CLUB PENGUIN HAS JUST ANNOUNCED THAT ALL NON-MEMBERS CAN GO TO THE PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS STARTING TOMORROW!!!! The bat thing is non-members cant meet the famous penguins but who cares.

New blog header

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer, I changed our blog header. How do you like it?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

GTJW's famous penguin tracker is now opend!!!

Hello GTJW fans its the Ghostflyer. I just wanted to let you know that the GTJW famous penguin tracker is made. You can get on to it from the bar on the right side of the site that said GTJW FAMOUS PENGUIN TRACKER.Let me tell you how it works. OK when you go on there will be some famous penguins. It will tell which server and which location on the server they are at. Then it will say if the penguin is online or off line. If they are off line that means they are not on at that time. It will also say closed or open at the top of every famous penguin. If it said open that means one of our crew members are updating the location of that penguin. If it said closed there is nobody updating that penguin.If the famous penguin moves to a different server and you know which server they went to please leave a comment to help us out. Well now you know how it works. I hope you enjoy using GTJW's Famous Penguin Tracker.


Hey u guys!! GTJW might have an April Fool's Party at april fool's!! keep on checking our blog if we confirmed the party!


Hey you guys! We just got a Club Penguin famous penguin tracker! Jimbolinie and Ghostflyer got this so plz give them a round of applause! Anyway, this tracker is uploaded personally and not automatically beacuse automatically doesnt work! We will be trackind Cadence, Aunt Arctic, and all the other CP penguins that are in CP reguraly! Check it out and see where these famous penguins are and plz send us comments if u like it or not!

GTJW's Famous penguin tracker

Its the Ghostflyer, GTJW is working on a FAMOUS PENGUIN TRACKER for all you members that are trying to fined all the famous penguins at the penguin play awards this is a picture of it. Its not use able yet but i will have it done as soon as possible.

Winner of the cool dressed contest at the maskot and ghostflyer party

Cutiepiepea1 you are the winner of GTJW's cool dressed contest. You have won 3500 coins and a blue book that your penguin can carry around.And a big thank you for all of our fans for supporting GTJW.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

GTJW's Maskot and Ghostflyer party

Hello its the Ghostflyer, today we were having a party! Were you there? If you wern't there is lots more partys that we will have. We also gave out a prize for coolest drest penguin. We will be anouncing the penguin soon. These are some pictures of the party!

Party reminder

Hello its the ghostflyer, i just wanted to remined you about the party today on club penguin. It will be on the server flipper at the snow forts at 4:10 my time or 1:10 penguin standerd time. We will be giving out grate prizes. Hope to see you there.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Apirl fools day sneak peek

Hello fans its the ghostflyer, this is a sneak peek of the April fools day party on club penguin.

Vote for the Penguin Play Awards

Hello its the Ghostflyer, make sure you vote for the penguin play awards.

Snow Sculptures are out

Hi its the Ghostflyer, here are a few pictures of the snow sculptures on club penguin.

St. Patrick's Day party picture

Hello its the Ghostflyer,if you misssed the St. Patrick's day party this is a picture of what it looked like.

Inside the penguin play awards

Whats up its the Ghostflyer and here is a picture of what the inside of the penguin play awards look like. Sorry its not the best picture but i will try to get another one as soon as possible.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Guess What!!! I ( Tigerbob7) was walking in the forest in the server of flippers and i saw a LEPRECHAUN!!! I couldnt believe it!!! so i clicked on it but it was a member with a leprechaun outfit!!! his name was hidden so it looked like a leprechaun!!!!! Oh well!! if i do find one!!!!!!!! ill let you guys know!!!! till then ill be leprechaun hunting!!!!

Tigerbob7 Is In Trouble!

Hey you guys! Sorry bout not publishing a post up earlier!! my computer didnt allow me to !!! I need help!! I went to do the snow sclupture contest from CP but i dont know what to draw!!! can you guys tell me wat to draw for the contest!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Penguin Play Awards

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I just wanted to remind you that today the penguin play awards start. Its only for members though. But all non members don't worry because Wt333 is a member and he will take some pictures so the non members could see what the Penguin Play Awards look like.

Monday, March 16, 2009


It's Jimbolinie, and I am here to tell you that there have been many complaints. If you are not satisfied with what is on our blog, just send us a comment or an email (our email is gtjw@live.ca).

Maskot and Ghostflyer Party

Whats up its the Ghostflyer. GTJW's maskot and ghostflyer blog has reached 2000 hits. We will be having a party to celebrate. It will be on Tuesday,March 23,2009. The whole GTJW club penguin crew will be there.

Club Penguin

Place: Snow Forts
Time: 1:10 PST(4:00 eastern)
Server: Flippers
Date: Tuesday March 23 2009

Hope to see you there!

Other websites

Its the Ghostflyer, i put a list of our other two websites on the right side of our blog. They are really cool. The MLS4U site is all about major league soccer and the maskot and ghostflyer site has lots of stuff to do so go check them out and then leave a coment under this post telling us what you think of the site and what we need to timprove on.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mimo's Party

Hello all u fans, me Jimbolinie has found out when Mimo's next party will be. It was all jimbolinie, so don't thank nyone else. It is tomorrow which is a Sunday, at the mine at 1 oclock PST in the server KOSIOSCO.

Place: Mine
Time: 1:00 PST (4:00 Eastern Time I think)
Server: Kosiosco
Date: Sunday

Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet Mimo777. By the way it was all Jimbolinie that has found this out, so thank him, not Ghostflyer tigerbob7 or wt333

Wt333 needs help!!!

hi I'm wt333 i need help finding a cool outfit fit for some one like me so if you find a cool out fit for me you can put it on our comments or you can e-mail it to us at gtjw@live.ca


the white puffle is here and you can now buy one of you own at the pet shop!!!

snow sketches are comeing!!!

they are coming march 20 artists are looking for:


-unique ideas

-little text

so start submitting!!


there are 5 plays that will make the list on club penguin. penguins can nominate their favorites for awards in several catagories.

it runs from march 20 - april 9.

more stufff

there is going to be a big leprechauns or st patrick's day party at wt333s igloo on monday at 10:00 to 12:00!! so be there it will be a blast!!!!!!!!

wt333 info

you want to know info on me well i will tell you. my favorite colour is blue and i love hockey. i live in canada that is all i can give so see you guys bye.

stufff by wt333

there is now new stuff in the gift shop if you click more.. on the catalog you see and new item called the boa it is pink and fluffy.

there is also the pot of gold if one the first page you click the big pot of gold by the girl and there it is.

the is also a instrument in the leprechauns house only members can get it for free.

wt333 post

hi all my fans out there i have a new look for my penguin i will show it to you guy soon but i need to complete it so it will be comeing soon!

st patricks day

there is also a free hat at the coffee shop and the new pin is at the top of the mountain!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

St. Patric's Day party

Hello Fans ist ghostflyer i just wanted to tell you tomorrow is club penguins St. Patrick's Day Party. The GTJW crew will be their. We think they will be giving out free stuff. But we no for sure that members will be able to go to a leprechauns house. This party will be very cool. Hope to see you there.

Friday, March 6, 2009

First Sign Of St. Patrick's Day

Hello fans, today we has noticed the first signs that St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner. Take a look at this.

ghostflyer is back

Hello fans it is me Ghostflyer. I am back from my vacation. Well i was away Jimbolinie took over.I hope you liked his posts.

About My Blog

This site is owned by Ghostflyer and Keno777. Gravitron201 is the new president of thsi site

  © Ghostflyer Blog by theghostflyer 2009

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