Monday, August 31, 2009

New GTJW Chobots Tracker On The Side Bar!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. If u guys looks at the sidebar u guys will see that there is the new GTJW Chobots Tracker. This tracker will tell u when members of the crew last been on chobots and if they are online now. I hope u guys enjoy this SWEET GTJW Chobots Tracker. I will try to have other cool things like this soon!


-The Ghostflyer

New Snow and Sports Catalog!!!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer. The new AUG-NOV snow and sports catalog is out! U guys should go to the sports shop and check it out. There is some pretty cool stuff u can get! For u non-members that collect backgrounds there is 3 SWEET new backgrounds for u guys to get!


-The Ghostflyer

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What games make u some good money on franktown rocks?

The Pizza Game

The Ice Cream Game

Hello fans its the Ghostrflyer. For all u guys that play Franktown Rocks and need to make good money to buy some cool stuff u should play the pizza and ice cream game. It makes u really good money. The only bad thing is it takes a while but it is a pretty fun game!

-The Ghostflyer

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Normal Ghostflyer and Keno777 Returns!!!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer. About a month is over so me and Keno777 went back to our normal colors. For those of u who don't know a month ago me and Keno777 went aqua for a month. Now a month is over so lets welcome back normal Ghostflyer and Keno777!

-The Ghostflyer

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tb7 On Secret Mission!

HEY there all spy lovers and spy wannabes!! Tb7 here wit another quiet post. Get it? Quiet! Casue when ur a spy u got to be quiet! I crack my self up! Well I, Tigerbob7,Tb7 is a spy. I was a spy long time ago with Ghostflyer. Me and him would train Wt(hes still in his training mode) but anyways i was selected to go on this quiet, but dangerous mission. I cant tell you what this mission is becasue then it wont be a secret anymore, duh, but ill tell u it has something to do with all the games we blog about especially CP! Just want to let you know that i wont be blogging or putting up posts till my mission is a succes!

Shhh.. dont tell anyone about my mission!

TB7 Out!

Ghostflyer's Soccer Guy

Hello ladies and Gentlemen today me the Ghostflyer and Ort6 would like to present to u Ghostflyer's Soccer Guy. We created him because when its time to go to my soccer games i do not like to take all my clothes out of my drawer. Now with Ghostflyer's Soccer Guy it is nice and easy to get my soccer uniform. We made him out of hangers and belts. Now i can use Ghostflyer's Soccer Guy to get my uniform on quick for when i go play tonight in my first game of the playoffs. Later today me and ort6 are going to design Ort6's Soccer Girl. I hope u enjoyed this totally random post about Ghostflyers Soccer Guy. For all u people that play soccer make your own soccer guy because they are really cool.

-The Ghostflyer and Ort6

Jimbolinie And Ghostflyer Eats Muffins!!!

Hello fans this is one of the new videos that me and Jimbolinie made when he came to my house! Jimbolinies Daily Routine is so 5 days ago. Jimbolinie and Ghostflyer Eats Muffins is the newest SWEET GTJW YouTube video! All the editing of the YouTube video was done by Jimbolinie not me so give him credit for that. I hope u enjoy it.

To watch more GTJW youtube videos click the link below:

-The Ghostflyer

New Koi Fish Pin!!!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer. The New Pin is here!!! This won is a Koi Fish! It looks really cool. You can get it at the cove.


-The Ghostflyer


Hello u guys its the Ghostflyer. I found out why Rockhopper is coming. He is coming because of the fall fair. YA another SWEET Club Penguin party coming up! I cant wait! The fall fair starts september 4 and goes untill september 13. See u there!

-The Ghostflyer


Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Guess what? THE MIGRATOR SPOTED IN TELESCOPE!!!! That means ROCKHOPPER is coming!!! The pictures are some proof that he is coming! I wonder what day he is coming? Do any of u guys know?


-The Ghostflyer

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Youtube Videos are Delayed

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. U guys are probable wondering why the new youtube video isn't out yet. Well Jimbolinie left the SD card that the videos are stored on at my house. We will try to get the SD card to him as soon as possible.

-The Ghostflyer

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jimbolinie Alone

Hey, it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post!

Today I was on Club Penguin, and there was NO ONE else on. It was like a ghostown. (Pretty scary) lol!!! Srry, the pictures didn't work, but I will try to put them up later for you guys/gals.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Snow And Sports Catalog Sneak Peek And New Youtube Videos Coming Soon!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer. Here is a picture i got. Its a sneak peek of the new snow and sports catalog coming soon. Also me and jimbolinie made a few SWEET videos tonight. We will try to have them up on youtube soon. Jimbolinie will work on the videos tomorrow if he has time


-The Ghostflyer

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Have U Been To The Underwater Adventure Yet?

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I just wanted to know if u guys have been to the underwater adventure yet? If u didn't you got to go. Its so SWEET. The underwater adventure is taking place at the stage. It is decorated very cool and also has a very cool catalog. Go check it out before its over.

-The Ghostflyer

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New youtube vid

Hey it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today me and Ghostflyer decided to make another youtube video. Called Jimbolinie's Daily Routine. It is awesome and funny! We will try to make more awsesome youtube videos soon.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Ghostflyer and the Fans Have a Tug Of War Contest!

Hello fans today i was on one of my favorite online games CHOBOTS and i decided to to have a Chobots Tug Of War Contest with the fans! I announced it on my twitter so make sure u follow me for some secret Ghostflyer partys!

-The Ghostflyer

New Better Igloos Catalog Out!

Whats up everyone its the Ghostflyer. The Better Igloo Catalog is now out and there is a bunch of cool new stuff u guys can all get! I wish i had a membership so i could make my igloo look SWEET like all u members .

-The Ghostflyer

Thursday, August 20, 2009

PC-Concert of Kate Earl

Hey there ppl of the world and beyond!! Tigerbob7 here wit anotehr rockin post! At August 21 and 22 Kate Earl is perfoming!!! I cant wait!!

Friday August 21- 7-12 ET

Saturday August 22- 12noon-12midnight ET

Remember the concert is everyhour on the hour!!

Bye World (for now)


Monday, August 17, 2009

Party Extended

Hey there ppl!! Its Tigerbob7 heere!!! The Festival of Flight is being postponed to the 20 August!!! YAY!!! More flyin and and more sightseein for two more days!!! And then the day after tat, is..........THE UNDERWATER ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!! Look at all teh exclamations im puttin!!!!! Who says penguins cant fly?? -Tigerbob7- Tb7

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Blog is Back To Normal

Hello everyone Ghostflyer here. I found out the problem with the blog and fixed it. Thank you for your patience for the day it was down. I will try my hardest not to let it go wacko like that again. Also if u guys noticed I added in a search bar which is on our side bar. So now if you are going to go look for some older posts u don't need too look through the blog archive taking to long to find what you are looking for.

-The Ghostflyer

The Blog is having technical difficulties

Hello Fans This is the Ghostflyer. When some u guys came on the blog u might have noticed that the side bar is way at the bottom of the posts and everything is mest up. This is because we are having technical difficulties. Me and the rest of the GTJW Crew are trying to get it back to normal as quick as possible. If u guys have any idea on how we can fix it send an email to or just leave a comment on this post.

-The Ghostflyer

Friday, August 14, 2009

Free Propeller Cap!!!

Hello its ort3. I just found the free nonmember idem! U guys can get it if u go to the corner Plaza! There will be a box of propeller hats. click the box to get your free idem! U can fly with the propeller hat if u only ware it and dance!


Some Pictures Of The Festival Of Flight!!!

Hi everybody its Ort3. Have u guys been to the Festival Of Flight Yet? If u haven't been on it u need to. There is tons of stuff to do. Here are some pictures of the party!


Planet Cazmo-Concert

Hey there all you Jessie James Fans!! Its been a while since we had a PC post so here is one! Jessie James is going to PC for a....CONCERT!!! Jessie James is currently on tour with the Jonas Bros.


Friday, August 14: 7-12 pm ET

Saturday, August 15: 12 noon-12 midnight ET

Concert begins every hour,on the hour at Cazmo Beach

I will try to bring some photos from the concert!


Member Area!!

Hey there ppl of America and around the world! TB7 here wit another exciting post! ITS THE MEMBER AREA!!! I got some pics of the member area and wat the member gift is! It's......... a JET PACK!!! So ill tell you how to go there!

1 You go to the Forest and get on the hot air balloon.
2 It will take bout 2 minutes to take you to the Tallest Mountain.
3 There will be a box containing jet packs. You go there and get it.


Pics of the Festival of Flight!

Hey there ppl! Tigerbob7 here wit another flyin post. I went around CP and saw some pics of the Festival of Flight tat rlly made my head fly! The Cloud Maker is located on the Ski Hill!! If you make a cloud, go to the lighthouse and look through the telescope, and maybe, just maybe you'll find your cloud!


New Sand Castle Pin!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Today a new pin came out!!! This new pin is a sand castle! You can fined it if u go into the mine close where u play cart surfer! It will be on the wall!


-The Ghostflyer

The GTJW Crew's Twitter Accounts

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Some of u guys are following us on twitter but some of u guys don't even know we have twitter because we only have the presidents of the GTJW Crew's Twitters on our side bar. So in this post i am going to tell you what the crew members twitter accounts are.





Keno 777'S TWITTER:



The other members of the crew don't have twitter but if they get it i will tell u guys. If u guys don't have a twitter account u can make one at


-The Ghostflyer

Thursday, August 13, 2009

GTJW's New YouTube Video!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I was on Planet Cazmo and was really board so i decided to make a youtube video! For this youtube video i am playing a random game of soccer on planet cazmo. If u guys want to watch other youtube videos made by the crew go to this link:

I hope u enjoy GTJW's new youtube video ! I will try to make another one soon!

-The Ghostflyer

Club Penguin In The Sky!

Behind the Scenes- Concepts

Hey there all you flightless penguins! Tb7 here flying you another post. Club Penguin will be in the.....SKY!!! Yes tat's rite, the island of CP will be in the sky. Or at least tats wat Screenhog says. Screenhog was talkn bout the Festival of Flight and then he said tat penguins cant fly yada yada but Club Penguin will. So they are still workin on some small things and r doubtful about Club Penguin in the sky.For the full answer you will have to wait until the party.

Here is the link if you want to read the full interview.

This flying post was brought to you by

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Webosaures Protectosaur Training Next Monday

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. All u guys that play Webosaures i just wanted to let u know that the Protectosaur Training has been rescheduled to next Monday. All u guys that are going to go here is the information:

Join Tammy and Rex for Protectosaur training.

Where: Lizard Lounge at Webo Ridge

Server: Cretaceous

Time: 2pm CT and 6pm CT, Monday August 17th

-The Ghostflyer

TB7 Having 1000 Hit Party

Hey there you crazy party ppl! Tb7 here bringing you one of my latest parties. Its been a while since i had a party so since GTJW is reachin its 1000 hit, i thought, " Wat an opportunity" So tats wat im gonna do. I am going to have a MEGA HIT PARTY!!!! I dont know when its goin to be so you will have to wait a while..but it will be after the 1000 hit. You might see me wit Jimbloinie or Ghostflyer, or even the shy Wt333 at the party! BUt mark my words ppl, it will be a MEGA HIT PARTY!!! but you have to give me some time on how i can make it a mega hit party.

Place: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Guets: Someone

Brought to you by..........


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tigerbob7 In Other Games!

Hey there ppl. These r all the animals or persons tat Tigerbob7 has. The dinosaur is from Webosaurs. The human is from Planet Cazmo. The penguin is obviously from Club Penguin. And the monkey/ Lemur is from Sifaka World. I am missing two more creations from TB7 because they r "under construction." Chobots and Franktown Rocks. When their makeover is done, I shall put it on the blog.

I stongle advise you too join any of these games if u dont already have an account becasue tehy r all fun games in their own way!!!


A Party And A Play

Hey there lads and ladetts! Its Tigerbob7 here. There will be a party AND a play. Many people thought tat there was goin to be two parties but there is only going to be ONE party and ONE play. The party is the Festival Of Flight party tats comin on August 14-18.

The Underwater Adventure is going to be a new Stage play at August 21.

So u ppl will have time to trade in your flight gears into cold slimy fish tails.I cant wait.

"The" TB7

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jimbolinie's Sifaka Character

Hey it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today I was on, and I decided to show you guys/gals my Siafaka world character. So, here he is.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Double Party Coming up!!!

The Festival Of Flight is going on from August 14 to August 18!!!
The Underwater Adventure is going on from August 21 to September 10!!!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer i am here to tell u that there will be two party's coming soon! The cool thing is they are starting around the same time! That means double party awesomeness!!! The party's that are coming up is the Festival Of Flight and Underwater Adventure! I will see u guys all there at the party's!

-The Ghostflyer

Saturday, August 8, 2009



AQUA KENO 777!!!

Hello its The Ghostflyer and Keno 777!!! Did U guys here that AQUA won the club penguin color vote? Well it did! We decided to change our club penguin color to AQUA for a month! So here is AQUA Ghostflyer and AQUA Keno 777!

-The Ghostflyer and Keno 777

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Online Game!

Hey it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today me, Ghostflyer, and hizzle29 found a new sweet awesome cool wicked online game. It is called Sifaka! If we get enough people playing this game, GTJW will get their own server on Sifaka World.


New Blog Title

The newest Blog Title

The blog Title that we had last

Our second blog title

Our first Blog Title

Hey it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today Ghostflyer came over to my house and we decided that we cannot be the GTJW Club Penguin Crew, because we don't only blog about Club Penguin, we blog about; Club Penguin, Planet Cazmo, Franktown Rocks, Chobots, Sifaka, and Webosaurs. So we decided to make our selves the GTJW Crew. Comment and tell us which title you like better.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where's Jimbolinie

Hey there, it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. I found a little something that makes my head disappear. LOOK!


Jimbolinie Gets Franktown rocks

Hey it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today I decided to get a Franktown Rocks account. I had some trouble, but it all got sorted out. So I encourage all of you fans to get one because it is really awesome! Once again it is Just click teh link in the post to bring you to the website. It is awesome.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ghostflyer's Guy On Franktown Rocks!!!

Hello fans its me the Ghostflyer! Allot of u were wondering what my guy on Franktown Rocks looks like. So here is what my guy looks like! I am a member on there so i got some pretty SWEET clothes! Check out my guy! Did u guys sign up for Franktown Rocks yet? If u didn't u can sign up for Franktown Rocks at

-The Ghostflyer

About My Blog

This site is owned by Ghostflyer and Keno777. Gravitron201 is the new president of thsi site

  © Ghostflyer Blog by theghostflyer 2009

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