Saturday, October 31, 2009

New blog title

This is wt333 comeing at you with another post i just put out up the new blog title it is sweet comeing soon on november 10 i will anonace the winner of my halloween contest!!

-wt333 out

Wt333 Camp Fire Party!!

This is wt333 comeing at you with another post just finished my camp fire party in my new igloo here are some pics check them out!!

WT333 OUT!

Wt333 contest

This is wt333 coming at you with another post i am giving away a series 3 coin code for the best Halloween costume for club penguin. So send in your photos and i will see who will win the amazing coin code!!!

wt out!!

send it to:


Hello everybody its the Ghostflyer! Today is Halloween and am guessing all of you guys are looking forward to going trick or treating tonight. I don't know if i am going trick or treating yet. I might. If i do i am dressing up like a guy from the blue man group! What are you guys dressing up as? GTJW Halloween fest 2009 also is ending this Monday morning coming up. The whole site will be going back to its normal design

-The Ghostflyer

Friday, October 30, 2009

New free iteam in hanted house!!

This is wt333 comeing at you with another post there is a new free iteam to all you members out there!!! The scare crow costume it is KOOL!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New GTJW Chatbox!!!!

Hey guys its the Ghostflyer! This is teh new chat box i made. U can get to it by going to

-The Ghostflyer

Get GTJWCrew chat group | Goto GTJWCrew website


Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Screenhog talked about halloween party on the club penguin blog! This is what he said:

Hey everyone, it's Screenhog! (It's also Halloween, so does that mean I should call myself "Screamhog" this week?)

Ah, Halloween, a time for candy and costumes and ghost stories, and... oh, you already know what Halloween is! I'll just get right into what makes Halloween special this year:

  • "Night of the Living Sled" is back. Yes, Club Penguin's funniest scary movie continues at the Lighthouse! If you weren't here last year, you can watch 1 and 2 at the Coffee Shop and Night Club.
  • All is not what it seems at the Mine Shack... it's been replaced with a Haunted House! Try clicking on everything... there are a lot of surprises there.
  • After the Haunted House, head down to the Mine and click on the glowing green lamp. The laboratory is back, with some extra clothes to help turn yourself into a monster.
  • Ready to go trick-or-treating? 8 candy pieces are waiting for you to find.
  • Last, but not least, Club Penguin is dark and stormy! Enjoy it while it lasts! It's a perfect time of year to play Hide and Seek with your friends.

So thats what he said! ENJOY oh and my club penguin membership expires in 2 days! :(

-The Ghostflyer

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Free Item At The Halloween party!!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer! There is another SWEET item u can get at the Halloween party!!! It is another orange head thing!!!! If u want it u can get it from the plaza. It is also for non members!! So all u non members that wanted more clothes there u go!

-The Ghostflyer

Halloween Candy Hunt Cheats!!!!!

Hey its the Ghostflyer! Here are the Halloween scavenger hunt cheats for this year!!

1. Go to the lodge attic and click the jack-o-lantern on the top left.

2. Go to the dock and click on the pumpkin in the back corner.

3. Go to the pet shop and click the chandelier.

4. Go to the cove and click on the book that is on the story board.

5. Go to the pool and click the jack-o-lantern hanging from the ceiling.

6. Go to the soccer pitch and click on the stadium light on the right side.

7. Go to the forest and click the bushes that are moving.

8. Go to the mine and click the slime pit in the front right corner.

Then u can claim your prize!!! You will get a SWEET Jack-o-lantern background that u can put on your player card!!!

-The Ghostflyer


Hello fans its the Ghostflyer!!! There is also this SWEET monster maker place!!! Its only for members. There is also a really SWEET catalog that u can buy all this weird and wacky monster stuff!!! You get to the monster maker place by going to the mine and then clicking the lantern! The lantern then opens up a secret place. Go in that place and that's the monster maker place!!!!

-The Ghostflyer


Hello penguins its the Ghostflyer! If u guys havent noticed the Halloween party has started early!!!! For all u members out there there is a SWEET haunted house! And i mean SWEET when i say SWEET!!! You got to see it! If you go into the Haunted house and go to the top left corner there is this SWEET member jack-o-lantern mask!!!

-The Ghostflyer


Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Remember when u guys voted for the top 10 GTJW songs. Well now the votes are in. I will be your host! But instead of doing the top 10 most voted i changed my mind and made it top 5! Here are what u guys voted #1!! COBRA STARSHIP with good girls go bad!!!

As GTJW's #2 song u guys have picked PARTY IN THE USA BY MILEY CYRUS!!!

In Spot #3 is Fireflies By Owl City!

In spot #4 is One Time by Justin Bieber!!!

And here is the #5 spot! It is Face Drop by Sean kingston!!!

Ok everybody enjoy this SWEET Music Countdown! I am your host the Ghostflyer! I will see all you guys next time! Bye

-The Ghostflyer

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Sorry i haven't posted much in the last week. I was really busy. Well i have just joind a new game that just came out called Pandanda! It is a really SWEET game! It is so SWEET that i might even buy a one month membership for it soon! The picture above is my pandanda! You guys all need to sign up. When all of u guys sign up we will have a SWEET GHOSTFLYER PARTY on pandanda! You can all join at the link below:

When u join pandanda u need to tell me so i can start to get the PANDANDA GHOSTFLYER PARTY READY!!!!!

-The Ghostflyer

Annaversery party!!!!!!!!

This is wt coming at you with another post i am at the anniversary party it is kool and has the new party hat!! here are some pics my assiant ggt5 help me in the pics!!!there is a new year book too!! You have to break the pinyata on the cealing and the party hat falls out LOL!! is so kool!!
WT333 OUT!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This is wt coming at you with another post i will be giving away a coin code if our blog(GTJW) gets to 2500!! views a series4 and i might even give away a special series5!!!! coin code so be up to date on our blog!!!

wt out!

(i got a pirate coin code)


Hey guys! I finally got some pics of the new Penguin Styles Catologue! Here are some pics! As you can see, there are some cosutmes and even a laptop! I hear that everyone is getting one! Make sure you get your costume before November or else they will be unavailable! Enjoy!

- Keno 777
Vice President

Another Halloween Party Sneak Peek!!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I got all you guys a sneak peek of the halloween party which is starting on club penguin October 27!!! It lookes like some kind of evil scientist lab!!! I cant wait for the Halloween party to start so then I could see what else there is! Oh and guys don't forget that this Saturday the club penguin anneversary party is starting!!! Its going to be SWEET!!! We will have a huge party during the Halloween party and the anniversary party! See all u guys there!

-The Ghostflyer

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Head Advertiser and Secretary!!!!!

Hello everybody Ghostflyer here. Today we needed to pick a new GTJW Head Advertiser and Secretary. We hired Hizzle29 as our new head advertiser and Gravitron201 as our new secretary.

Everybody welcome these crew members too there new job.

-The Ghostflyer

GTJW's Halloween Fest 2009 Is Here!!!!!!!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Ok so you guys have all been waiting for GTJW's Halloween Fest 2009. Well now its here!!! The whole blog is all back and orange and there is a cool new sidebar thing and blog title!!!! We will be having a contest to win a card jitsu card soon so keep coming back for info on the contest!


-The Ghostflyer

Club Penguin Anniversary Party Coming This Saturday!

Hey its ort6. The club penguin anniversary party is this Saturday October 24th! You got to be there because it is only for one day. They will be giving out new party hats and he new year book will be coming out in the book room!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Series 5 Tresure Book Is Here!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Today the new series 5 coin codes came out!!!! Here is the cover of the new treasure book! I got to get my self one of those codes. You can look at the whole treasure book her:

-The Ghostflyer

Vote For Your Favorite Song!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I thought of this great idea that we have a music countdown of your favorite songs! Ok so i will be your host of the GTJW music countdown. All u guys got to do is vote for your favorite song on the poll above. I will also be putting the poll on the sidebar. The poll will close on Wednesday at 12:00 midnight. The top 10 most voted songs i will put in that order on the GTJW ipod which is on the side bar. I will also do a countdown on Thursday of your favorite 10 songs. If you know anybody that loves music u got to tell them to vote on this poll.

-The Ghostflyer



Want Your Site on Our Blogroll? Click HERE to Enter!


Last Updated: Nov. 4, 2009


If You Want Your Site On Our Blogroll, Click HERE

Club Penguin Anniversary Party Post Card!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Did any of u guys see the post card club penguin sent out to everybody? Its a reminder that the club penguin anniversary party will be starting this Saturday. Who is going? I know i will be there to get the SWEET party hat!

-The Ghostflyer

Sunday, October 18, 2009

wt friend ggt5 entered halloween contest

This is wt coming at you with a scary Halloween post my friend ggt5 is going for the Halloween igloo contest i think she has a chance so you can comment how it looks and what you think!! here's a pic!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Personal Blog

Hey it Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Well, I have a personal blog. Yes yes yes, I have had a lot of fans saying that I should have one just like ghostflyer. So I decided to, and here it is....... plz be sure to check that regularly because I will also be posting stuff on that blog too. That will be more anout what goes on in my life and not really about Club it out



This is wt coming at you with another post i will be putting 2 videos up on gtjwcp our YouTube Chanel it will be sweet one will be called wt plays halo3 and the other wt dance there awesome!!!!

check them out next weekend on our YouTube Chanel!!!!

wt out!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey everybody. Wow, this is my first post ever...... I think. Anyways, I would like to say THANK YOU to everybody who voted for me. I think the one person who helped me a lot was yoda kid. Thanks a lot yoda kid! Umm.... since I am now Vice President, you will be seeing many posts from me in the future! I would also like to congradulate Ort 6 for the 2nd place. Good Job! If anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at: I will be more than happy to read your emails. Anyways, talk to you guys later and THANKS!

- Keno 777
Vice President

New GTJW Vice Presidents!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. The vice president poll is now over and Keno777 and ort6 came out on top. It was a very intense battle with Keno777, Ort6, Ort3, Hizzle29 and Gravtron201 all fighting for the top two spots. Here are all the votes:

Keno777: 61 votes
Ort6:55 votes
Ort3: 45 votes
Hizzle29: 30 votes
Gravitron201: 28 votes
Dude513: 4 votes

Since Keno777 and Ort6 made it in the top two they are the new Vice Presidents of GTJW. They will now be blogging on the GTJW site. They look like they will have a greate future in GTJW. Ok so two our new vice presidents Keno and Ort u guys need to put at least 1 post per week on if u want to keep your job. U need to try to get the news first before any crew member gets it so u could post it. If u don't there will be nothing to post. Good luck

-The Ghostflyer

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ghostflyer Turns 200 On Chobots!!!

Hey guys its the Ghostflyer. I just got off of one of my favorite online games chobots! Today i turned 200 days old on chobots!!! YAY. If u guys do not have a chobots account you really should get one. You can make your account at:

I hope you guys all have a SWEET time on chobots.

-The Ghostflyer

Screenhog Talks About Making Stuff!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. Screenhog has put a new post on the club penguin blog about making stuff! This is what he said:

Hi everyone - It's Screenhog!

There's a lot of Halloween spookiness going on around the island. The Halloween Igloo Contest is starting on Friday along with a new furniture catalog, and the team's even been putting together more costumes for later this month. And speaking of costumes, we wanted to show you a little secret about something we do when we design clothing for penguins.

Remember the You Decide Poll with the rough art of the Gnome costume for the new November Stage? We got quite a few people asking why the penguins are always grey in these pictures. Some of you even asked if it's a new penguin color that's coming out!

It's not a new penguin color... but we do put the clothes on grey penguins for a reason. Grey is neutral - which means it doesn't look strange next to a different color. If we were to use a yellow or dark blue penguin all the time when we designed clothes, we might end up making a lot of clothing items that look really good on yellow or dark blue penguins, but nothing else! Using a grey penguin gives us the best chance of creating clothing items with colors that work on all penguins.

What do you think? If you've got any secrets of your own for putting together costumes or decorating a spooky igloo, leave them in the comments.

Waddle on!

Well that's what he said.


-The Ghostflyer

card jitus and coin codes for sale!!!

This is wt coming at you with another post i am giving away card codes and coin codes on gtjw for a contests that may be coming up i will tell you more later on!!

Halloween Fest Is postponed

Hey, it Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. As you know, GTJW is having a Halloween Fest 2009, but what you don't know id that it is postponed. This is because the person making the banner is taking a long time to make it. So the Fest will be put on on the 20th of October. That is in fave days(on the next Monday)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Sneak Peek For The New Better Igloo Catalog!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. The sketch above is a sneak peek of something that will be in the better igloo catalog which comes out this Friday! It looks like a spooky gate. I cant wait to see what else will be in the new better igloo catalog!

-The Ghostflyer

Saturday, October 10, 2009

pic by wt333

this is wt333 and i made another picture!! comment if you think it is funny!

wt out!


This is wt with another post look at this picture and tell me something BIG! is going to happen!!

write what you predict is going to happen!!!
wt out!

Shadow Guy and Gamma girl is back!!!!

Hey guys its the Ghostflyer. Guess what???? MY Favorite play shadow guy and gamma girl is back at the stage!!! Check out this picture I took with some of my fans at the stage. They dressed up like shadow guy and gamma girl! Oh and u can now sign up for GTJW's club penguin army called the night ninjas! Sign us on the link bellow:

-The Ghostflyer

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Startpage On Club Penguin!!!

Hello guys its the Ghostflyer. I was just going on club penguin and noticed that there is a new start page. This one is Halloween and it is SWEET! Check it out

-The Ghostflyer

New Football Pin!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. The new pin is finally out and this time is is a football pin. Pretty SWEET. You can get it if u go to the ski lodge. Then go to the lodge attic and then you will see the football pin!!!


-The Ghostflyer

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Funny Pics

This is wt coming at you with another fun post i was board so i made a funny pic i will put some more funny pics up maybe !!

Issue #208 of the penguin times is out!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. There is a new newspaper out on club penguin issue #208. There is a lot of new stuff coming to club penguin like a Halloween igloo decorating contest. Read the new news paper by clicking the picture below.

-The Ghostflyer

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hey, it's Jimbolinie coming at you with another post. Today I thought it would be cool if I made GTJW crew in a barcode. It was so cool making it, and it turned out even better!!! CHeck it out!!!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Vice President Poll Results!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. I have another update on the poll results! This one is pretty cool. So here they are:

Ort6: 55 votes
Keno777: 51 votes
Ort3: 43 votes
Hizzle29: 24 votes
Gravitron201: 22 votes
Kasper916: 12 votes
Dude513: 3 votes

The total number of votes is 210. Make sure u vote on the sidebar. The poll will be ending on October 15 at exactly 12:00. So get your votes in.

-The Ghostflyer

Today Is GTJW's 8 month Anniversary!!!

Hey guys its the Ghostflyer. I got some more good news for u guys. Today Is GTJW's 8 month anniversary. Me, Jimbolinie, Tigerbob7 and Wt333 started the GTJW Club Penguin Crew on February, 6th 2009. This blog has finally been up for 8 hard but fun months. We wouldn't of lasted this long without all of u guys are fans. Without u guys we would be nothing and GTJW wouldn't be here right now so thanks.

-The Ghostflyer

Two Club Penguin Partys Coming Soon!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. The Halloween Party on club penguin will be starting on Tuesday October 27!!! Also on October 24th club penguin will also be having a 4 year anniversary party!!! Two party's around the same time!!! This is going to be SWEET!

-The Ghostflyer

GTJW's Halloween Fest 2009 Coming Soon!!!

Hello fans its the Ghostflyer. GTJW's Halloween fest 2009 will be starting on October 15! We will have lats of cool stuff happening like contests ,giveaways and party's!!! The blog will also be transformed to Halloween Mania!!! Its going to be SWEET!!!!! I will have more information on the party laterz.

-The Ghostflyer

About My Blog

This site is owned by Ghostflyer and Keno777. Gravitron201 is the new president of thsi site

  © Ghostflyer Blog by theghostflyer 2009

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